Protecting Business Owners Through Proper Education
How We Help You
Help Yourself
Our team of Service Dog Professionals have compiled the tools you need to get your team up to speed with the ADA Laws concerning Service Dogs. When you know what to ask, and know your rights, then you can effectively manage risk of fines or bad publicity.
”Being CERTIFIED shows you care about your customers’ rights.”
It Effects Every Customer-Forward Industry
Most businesses understand the meaning of being “ADA compliant”. Sure, you have grab bars installed on the restroom walls, and you have wheelchair accessibility with necessary ramps and counter heights for doing business for persons in a wheelchair, but did you know that most businesses do not understand the rights of access for patrons with real Service Dogs?
Many businesses are afraid of a lawsuit for getting things wrong - so they do nothing. This actually has the potential for further exposure to lawsuits. Having a clear Service Dog Policy that follows ADA guidelines, along with proper training of staff minimizes your exposure to lawsuits.
Help is just a few clicks away. Understanding your rights and protecting your business has never been easier. We provide secure, online education tools for your staff, with proficiency testing to help protect your business from making costly mistakes. Get your team certified today!
Certify Your Entire Staff
Our secure, online education process takes about 90-minutes for management level training and online exams. Then, you can empower your entire staff by having them complete the basic knowledge program to get every member of your customer forward team certified in about 45-minutes. We provide easy tracking for you to manage, and printable certificates upon successful completion of online exams so you can show you know!
No More Guessing
Once certified, you will have access to posters for staff common areas, reminding your team of the ADA Law, and how to deal with Service Dogs. You can prevent mistakes by proactively keeping information in front of them. It is as easy as hanging a poster by the time clock for staff to review when coming on shift.
Purchase customized brochures with your ADA compliant Service Dog Policy.
Show You Know
Once certified, you can proudly display it. Let people know that you care about those with Service Dogs, and that you know your rights as a business operator. By displaying your certification, you may see an increase in business because patrons will feel protected! You may see a decrease in the number of fakes attempting to enter! Being certified is the first step in mitigating your risk.
A Lawsuit Can Be Very Costly
The DOJ can file lawsuits in federal court to enforce the ADA and obtain court orders, including:
Compensatory damages
Civil penalties of up to $55,000 for the first violation and $110,000 for any subsequent violation
Are you PROTECTED against a Premises Liability Lawsuit?
DENVER (KDVR) — A service dog reportedly bit an American Airlines employee and a DIA passenger.
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Fake service dogs doing disservice to the real ones
Mark Davis, Kansas City Star
“It really ruined Andy,” Chase said of her service dog trained by Paws for Freedom Inc. in Tonganoxie, Kan. Andy — the victim of a fake service dog [attack], Chase said — now distrusts other dogs. He’ll even bark at other service dogs. - See Full Story
Can You Afford to Get it Wrong?
Justice Department Settles with Public Accommodations to Protect the Rights of Veterans Who Use Service Dogs
$5,000.00 Paid by hotel to 2 separate complainants…
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U.S. Attorney’s Office Resolves Kennewick Restaurant’s Violation of The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
$11,000.00 Paid by restaurant with stipulations to pay $75,000.00 additional…
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